Free proxy servers, fresh and checked. Hide your IP address, encrypt your data.

Hide IP Proxy

Free Hide IP Proxies are in the table below. Using these proxies will hide your IP address and protect your online privacy.

    5 Results
    Checked Free Proxy Servers List
    idhostportprotocolanonymity ?speedreliabilitycountrylast check (UTC+8)
    13128HTTPAP100%2025-02-28 19:21:35
    23128HTTPAP96%2025-02-28 17:41:05
    33128HTTPAP99%2025-02-28 15:34:29
    48080HTTPAP100%2025-02-28 14:52:17
    53128HTTPAP70%2025-02-28 10:59:37
    NOTE: TP: Transparent Proxy; AP: Anonymous Proxy; DP: Distorting Proxy; HAP: High Anonymity Proxy.

    There are four levels of proxy servers according to "anonymity":

  • Highly Anonymous Proxy(HAP): The web server can't detect whether you are using a proxy and It can’t know your real IP address
  • Anonymous Proxy(AP): The web server can know you are using a proxy and the IP address of the proxy, but it can't know your real IP address.
  • Distorting Proxy(DP): The web server can know you are using a proxy, but it can't know the IP address of the proxy because Distorting Proxy creates an "incorrect" IP address instead, and the web server can't know your real IP address either.
  • Transparent Proxy(TP): The web server can know you are using a proxy and it can also know your real IP address.